EYE OF THE TIGER By Craig Hannan, 1 Platoon A Coy 8/9 RAR
In 1978 I was with A Coy 8/9 RAR on exercise out the back of Cooktown as an enemy force against SASR. I was with 1 Plt. The company had an attachment of 2/4 RAR Recon and surveillance. Well, while there one of the 2/4 guys, Pete Casey, got a leech up the eye of his dick and was casevaced back to base hospital. The nurses and doctors all stood around discussing what had to be done, with the docs poking and prodding.
His dick had swollen up about twice the size. Pete piped up and in his sincere voice said, “Doc, do me one favour if you can (a long pause)… leave it the same size it is now.” The nurses lost it and so did the docs. Pete ended up doing the SAS selection course with me in 1980 and we shared a house together in Perth for a few years along with another bunch of reprobate bastards.